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"Be the hero of your own story"

(Joe Rogan) 

The Hero's Journey 

This is the motivational story "The Hero's Journey" performed and written by Anna Loots. 
The story is based on her own life experiences, the last year of her fathers life and the theory of Joseph Cambell called The Hero's Journey.  

The Hero's Journey - PowerPoem by Anna Loots.

You see and feel the struggles. 
How the whirlwinds try to swipe you off your feet. 
How everything is in a sudden slowmotion when you try to find your way out of these turmoil times. 

Yet still, you have dreams that pull you forward. 
You still have hope of it all coming together and getting better. 
But the bad news keeps coming and however hard you try, it's starting to break you down. 

You see your dreams scatter in front of you eyes.
You feel so hopeless... 
So so hopeless! 

It feels like there are only two things left to do: Praying and Letting Go!
Praying for a ray of light, a glimpse of goodness, a reason to believe.
And Letting Go, Letting it all happen and Letting it all wash over you, because you are tired of the fight... 

Then, all of the sudden, you look fear straight in the eye. 
Even though it's scary and totally unexpected.
For the first time, you see the situation for what it really is. 

Who would have thought that letting go could mean a new start? And a new impluse? 
Who would have thought that looking fear in the eye could give you a fresh look on things? 

It's still not easy to see things this way, but you do it, in fact... you ARE DOING it!
The impluses have given you a renewed sense of strength to keep on going. 

Derterminde to make it, you solder on. 
Yes, it's scary, the first steps still feel unsure as it will still try to break you, 
But nothing can stop you - you decided - and your realise that this is the mindset that will get you out alive!

So, a new chapter starts, you expected a walk in the park with a friendly breeze
Yet you find yourself in a new world which feels unnerving, terrifying and spine-chilling.
Everything seems out of the ordinary. The new tasks feel daunting.

And then, you remember the mindset that got you here! 
You remember you managed to make it out alive and that you are stronger that you thought
Know that you are Brave, Strong and Determined... Know that whatever comes your way.. YOU GOT THIS!! 

So go out there, Play for Keeps, Trust in Yourself and Make it Happen! 
Why? Because you dare to challenge yourself, to be YOU in a world full of opinions!
You know it will be hard at time and you will fall, but that doesnt stop you...
Because you are the Hero of your own life! 

(If you felt touched by this performance and/or PowerPoem, please Share This on Facebook!) 






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